Shack & Co.
My antennas: A "Hummelmasten Teletower Jumbo" mast carries the Mosley TA-33 3-element beam for the shortwave bands (10m, 15m and 20m) , the 9-element F9FT Yagi antenna for 2m and the two Diamond omnidirectional antennas X-300N and X-50N for FM.
The embedded picture shows the grounding for the coaxial cables (click here for large view) , equipped with Diamond Antenna coaxial lightning surge protectors.
Me during the assembly of the TA-33M beam. A great relief and the highlight of the Hummel masts: The antenna park is mounted on a "sled" and can be lowered down to ground level using a hoist.
Thus, antenna works are possible at any time and without much effort. In addition, i can bring the antennas out of the "danger zone" during a storm.
My shack now consists of the Icom IC-7300 KW and the Yaesu FT-991A KW / FM all-mode transceiver with the rotor Yaesu G-1000DXC. The picture currently shows the old setup.
The APRS digipeater "DA9X-10" is also in the shack
My absolute favorite rig on the station is the Icom IC-7300 shortwave transceiver. It is a modern shortwave SDR transceiver with a powerful 100 watts output.
DK9CA/m: Making some QRP-connections on HF bands from a nearby hill.
I am very happy to use the FT-818 QRP transceiver, either with the HF-P1 portable vertical antenna or in connection with a self-made end-fed long wire. As a permanent companion, I have my Yaesu FTM-400 (left in the picture).
Our "Isetal-Fieldday" in 2011
We have rebuild our tent and our stations to the wind power plant in Obernholz, we jokingly call it "our fog mixer".
The highlight of the site: Here we have a height of 114 meters above "wet feet" and the operator of the facility provides us with "self-mixed", environmentally friendly electricity.
In the "German fieldday-scene", we have with a probability bordering on certainty "the greatest", well, generator i think...
My antenna setup for the weekend:
The 7.5 meters high "Wimo"-portable mast with short-wave dipole for the 10, 15 and 80 meters bands.
On top of the mast, radio buddy Ingo (DO7ORA) mounted his Diamond X300 for VHF and UHF operation.
My Station: Icom IC-718 HF TRX with SM-20, CG-Antenna Interface, the Z-100Plus antenna tuner.
I have dedicated myself to the digital modes on HF. The laptop is equipped with HamRadioDeluxe, HamLog, DM-780 and the Internet via T-Mobile UMTS network. So you can make operations in the domestic as in the home Shack, but without the "antenna restrictions".
My Yaesu FT-857D was awarded to Daniel DL1OFC that day, who was making SSB operations on 2 meters and the upper HF bands.
Me, DK9CA operating on the HF station. In PSK-31 and Telegraphy, despite the "sluggish" radio weather conditions, i got some nice contacts to South Africa, USA, Brazil, Canada and Bulgaria this day.
In this circumstance certainly the exposed site was not entirely innocent.
The fieldday operators (from left): Ingo, DO7ORA and Daniel, DL1OFC.
Sadly, not in the picture is Michael, DF2OK who sat next to me.